Happy Holidays From Willy Adkins!

I just wanted to wish everyone a very happy holiday season!  For me it isn’t a religious time, but more so a time of year to stop and reflect on family, friends and the good things we do have in life.  This is also a time of year I think very often about the not so good things in life.  So, with my well wishes I make a simple request… Take a break from your holiday socializing, your hot chocolate, your gifts and your religious practices to simply give thought to those who have very little or nothing this season.  Stop and think about those who are not able to be home with family and friends who are at various places across the globe with a gun in hand allowing us the ability to have this time.  Think about those who are in nursing homes without any remaining family, those who are in hospitals struggling through illness or struggling to be alive.  Think about those who work through the holidays to keep our hospitals, police departments and fire houses staffed for our safety.  Regardless of religious beliefs, think of those who sacrifice on a daily basis to give us the freedoms we have and those who struggle not just through the holiday time, but every day simply hoping for any kind of change for the better.  It is a season for coming together, not just as families but as humans with morals and respect for each other.

Happy Holidays,

Willy Adkins & Family



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