Tag: Willy Adkins
Goodbye Illinois… Closing shop for a week to move.
Well… I am officially out of time in regards to any further Breaking Fate Entertainment work for one week… I am short on a couple things I REALLY wanted to have done and that may or may not effect pending deals… In the end, all I can do is take a deep breath and accept that whatever…
Production on Gordon Finn Nearly Complete!
I had a great weekend portraying Gordon Finn for Wolf McKinney’s directorial debut film. I am highly confident that you will see Wolf continue on to many more films in the directors chair and do so efficiently! When you take on the director role for the first time, you learn quickly just how much of…
BLOG: My BFE/SSE/TWP Brothers, Past and Present…
Many people don’t realize, that Breaking Fate Entertainment is not owned / operated by me alone. The corporation currently has 3 primary shareholders (owners).. Wolf Mckinney(Operations Officer), Jason Davis (Vice President) and Willy Adkins (President). Our “corporate names” really mean nothing, as we are all equals in our company and all put in time and money to keep it going. I highly…
Indiegogo Launched for “Gordon Finn” staring Willy Adkins!
Gordon Finn (Willy Adkins) is a murderer sitting in an insane asylum, who for some time has been considered criminally insane after the brutal slaying of Tess Aubrey (Lillian Lamour). But times have changed and he is going to be examined by Psychologist Dr. Odd (Stewart Ogilvie) who has brought along a student by the…
BLOG: One of the many challenges of an Indie Director
One major challenge for an Indie Director is several people involved in a project wanting to push their own vision… I embrace the ideas, and very often implement them… But in the end, it is my call & vision as director that needs to be translated to film… And the hard part is how angered…