BLOG: My BFE/SSE/TWP Brothers, Past and Present…

Many people don’t realize, that Breaking Fate Entertainment is not owned / operated by me alone. The corporation currently has 3 primary shareholders (owners).. Wolf Mckinney(Operations Officer), Jason Davis (Vice President) and Willy Adkins (President). Our “corporate names” really mean nothing, as we are all equals in our company and all put in time and money to keep it going. I highly value the people I work with at BFE and consider them brothers. The company has seen a few other highly talented and respected individuals, who during the Spook Show Entertainment (and even back to the Twisted Wish Production) days certainly brought a lot to the table in the way of passion and talent, Michael Schmid and Jason Sullivan. Without “my brothers” the company would not be the growing entity that it is today. I have very high hopes for the future of BFE and see more and more things working every day.

With all of that in mind, it has always been a policy that everyone within the company gets credited on all of our original media (films specifically). For every film that BFE is involved in producing, each of the owners gets at least an Associate Producer credit. Any one of the owners is welcome to produce and use the BFE (or subsidiaries) name(s) for whatever project they wish to do. For example, if Jason Davis decided he wanted to produce a script he had written, he could do so at any time without even messaging Wolf or I about it. He can do so using the Breaking Fate name. The agreement is that Wolf and I both get credited on the media as Associate Producers (as we are associated with the name being used). This has been a policy in effect for some time for multiple reasons. Another example… If a filmmaker approaches me with the desire to have me help produce a film using the BFE name (and resources)… I again credit both Jason and Wolf with at least an Associate Producer credit. They invest and co-own the name that is being used and even more importantly, we all work on every single project together (some more involved then others). When I produce anything, be it a film or a festival, I am almost guaranteed to make contact with both of my partners to help in some medium (some tasks larger then others). They should be credited for it.

Today I’m saddened that I had to drop a project for this reason. Even more so saddened that it might have cost me that director as a friend. He is someone who has worked on a couple short films with me and that I was more then anxious to return the favor for. He wanted me to produce a short for him and I accepted before even peeking at the scripts title. Sadly, I had to drop the project because he wanted to use BFE resources and refused to credit my company partners as associate producers. The first thing he needed from me was a location, and that was something I could have obtained in less then 2 hours by making a phone call to one of my partners (for which he refused to credit). So now, sadly, because he refused to add 23 letters to the closing credits of a film… No money even involved.. I have seemed to lost a friend. He is upset that he worked on my projects and that I am not returning the favor. I am sad, as I feel I made the effort to return the favor, he just doesn’t seem to agree with our policy. The way I look at it, I’m nothing without my team. For me to produce a film without them in my corner, is like asking a photographer to take a picture of you without a camera.

In the end, it is all very unfortunate. Its sad that it is over two names in the credits. But I have agreements with my partners that I’m very happy and comfortable with. I have no desire to change that, as it shows solid respect for each other and what we each bring to the table. It keeps us in each others corner in all of our artistic ventures and the brand growing as well. A big thanks to my SSE/BFE brothers past and present for all that you have ever done and continue to do, to show your support for me. I have never felt better about where our company is then I do right now. Things are actually working and I have you all to thank for that. Jason Davis, Wolf McKinney, Michael Schmid and Jason Sullivan.. You guys are the best! Much love.             ~ Willy


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